Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter Five

Everyone sat vigil for Treejump, except me. Even Whirlwind did, since he was his mentor and all. I just told them I felt like it was my fault, because I was obviously not ready to tell them he tried to kill me. Not like it would be hard to believe though, he was very rude and never liked me. I peered out of the warriors den at Moonhigh. Most of the cats were asleep, except for a few like Applesplash and Desertstar.

As I watched, a huge silver tom slipped into the clearing. Desertstar's head shot up warily, then the tom whispered in his ear. After talking for a moment, the tom laid on the ground. Who is he? What in the name in Starclan is he doing? I thought in confusion. Nothing else of interest seemed to be happening, so I finally willed my eyes to close.


"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather together for a clan meeting!" Desertstar yowled at the top of his lungs. I blinked in the coming sunlight. My eyelids were still heavy with sleep."Treejump shall be buried by Birdflash and another elder of his choice." The old tom nodded respectfully."We also have a new cat that wants to join! Please welcome Poundstep!" The tom cheered for the huge, muscular silver tom. But I could tell something wasn't right. Just the way his eyes reflected around the clearing made me wary."And gracefully," Desertstar continued."Our camp has finally drained out! We can return!"

That was the first thing that made me smile for a while. Now I could sleep in the real warriors den. We all poured out of the narrow, makeshift entrance. Snowbird slipped in beside me as we pounded away. Of course, it didn't take very long to get there. But when we were, we saw a silver and white tom. He was pretty good looking, but seemed confused."Why are you in our camp?" Desertstar stepped forward with a furious growl. The tom stepped boldly forward."I have come to join your clan. You weren't here." I caught his gaze, which made me uncomfortable. I turned away, and could tell someone else was staring. I wasn't sure who.

Desertstar though for a moment."Very well." He returned to his rightful place on the Fallen Oak."Cats of Stealthclan!" He yowled."We have yet another new joiner. Please welcome Meltingblade!" The clan purred. They were sure this tom was of no threat. As soon as things died down, he padded right over to me."Hi!" He smiled."I was wondering if you could show me around." I felt my ears get hot. Nobody ever really wanted to spend time with me but Snowbird and Whirlwind.

"I guess I could....." I shifted my paws."Follow me." Snowbird pranced after us."Hi! I'm Snowbird!" She tried to greet Meltingblade. He nodded to her, then we continued."Could I borrow Dreamingstrike for a moment?" Before Meltingblade could answer, Snowbird dragged me away like a piece of prey."Hey, I'm still alive you know!" I growled while rubbing my neck."What are you doing?" She asked."Hogging Meltingblade, when there are plenty of mateless she-cats?" I flattened my ears."What are YOU talking about? He asked me to show him around, and I am a mateless she-cat. I don't even know if I WANT a mate." I immediately regretted yelling after Snowbird looked at the ground.

"That's too bad." She said. I looked her in the eyes."Look, I'm sorry. It's just, you have Whirlwind, and nobody has ever cared for me. People I care about......." I felt tears beginning to well up."They don't last." I couldn't stand of thinking any longer. My mother, my litter-mates........ Dad never loved me. I thought sadly as well."You go have fun." Snowbird smiled lightly. I nudged her, then went back to Meltingblade."So..... let's go.'' I motioned with my tail. We slipped calmly out of camp. I don't know where my manners went, but once I got a rush of air I began itching to run. Before my brain could take action, my paws sent me flying across the ground. I heard Meltingblade pounding to keep up, but he couldn't catch me.

Meltingblade jerked to a stop."Wait." My paws skidded the ground, churning up levels of dirt. He flicked his tail toward a bush. We both peeked through it, and he gasped. What I saw was a brown tabby tom. Shivers went up my spine."That looks like Treejump." I whispered, then the tom turned around. I felt my stomach clench. The tom had such a sinister look. I could see hatred flaring in his eyes, and could easily tell he wasn't a friendly neighbor."That's Flick." Meltingblade whispered. That didn't really help either."Flick?" My mind whirred back to when I heard Treejump lecturing. Flick is the one! The one who's out to get me! Just as I saw Flick brush out of the small clearing, my legs gave out from under me and the world went black.

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