Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter Three

I felt someone shaking me furiously."Dreamingpaw! Dreamingpaw!" Snowpaw's voice brought me slowly into the real world."What is it?" I mumbled sleepily. Of course, that didn't last long. My eyes popped open to find water surrounding my nest. For the first time, I found that my side was soaking wet from my now wet nest."There's a flood! We have to get out!" Snowpaw said urgently, then lead me out.

The second a got outside, I was sure I had a headache. Rain pelted super hard, I could hardly keep my head up. Water filled the clearing almost a tail-length deep, so my paws began to churn through the water. Most of the cats were either on the Fallen Oak, or in Desertstar's den."Let's hurry!" Snowpaw lead me to the Fallen Oak. We both hopped up the stone ledges, then Snowpaw slipped. I saw Whirlpaw on the tree, who lunged forward to catch her. I quickly swoop in and grabbed her scruff. Once she was settled on the stone again, I saw Whirlpaw swimming in the water. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

I saw Boltstorm at the top, who beckoned me up."Apprentices in the den." He ordered curtly."But I can tough it out here." I sat stubbornly next to him."So can I!" Snowpaw took her place beside me, even though pretty soon here fragile frame was shaking."Why don't you go in?" I whispered to her, and this time she didn't complain.


I can't exactly explain how long the rain went. All I remember is The hollow was filled up like a pond. I heard the medicine cat, Orchidblossom, continuously moaning about all the herbs that were lost. Then there was thunder. That kinda really got me, because I had never heard thunder before. When it first sounded, I nearly jumped out of my fur."It's just thunder." I turned around to see Lionpaw sitting behind me."Nothing to be scared of." I scowled at him and turned away. Thunder came again, and I purposely dug my claws as deep as I could to avoid jumping. Bad choice.

See, I tend to use my front claws more often then my hind claws, which is another bad thing. As we waited out the rain, thunder booming, I heard a loud shriek. A yellowy-white zap shot out of the sky, then I heard the thunder again. I loud, sparky noise fizzed through my ears, and I saw a huge pine tree toppling over. My legs were frozen in horror. By the time I came to my senses, the tree was only a few moments away."Look out!" Lionpaw lunged forward to knock me out of the way. But it only half worked.

As Lionpaw fell to the water, my claws were still hooked into the bark of the Fallen Oak. I clenched my teeth painfully at the weight my paw had to support. But, as usual, it got worse. The pine tree just had to land right on my paw. Don't I have the best of luck. I growled to myself to keep from tears. Everything slowly started to get fuzzy. I could hear the voices of warriors pushing at the fallen tree so they could help me up. However, it seems they forgot what side of the tree I was on. They pushed it off where I was dangling. I stared at it with a moan, and hissed just before it made contact with my head. Then everything went black.


It was the first time I had woken up from a long-term injury. I wasn't used to the whole wake up in a different place thing. When my eyes found their way back out, I was in a completely unknown place. Snowpaw was sitting next to my nest. I waited for her to notice that I had awoken then heard a loud snore. I managed to laugh quietly. I slowly but surely reached my up to her and prodded her."Give it back!" Snowpaw screamed, then remembered where she was. I laughed again, and she saw me."Dreamingpaw!" She raced forward and nudged me."Hi." I said weakly. So what did I miss?" Snowpaw purred."Quite a bit! Desertstar said He might make us warriors soon! And Whirlpaw told me he liked me! And Lionpaw-" She suddenly cut herself off with a sly smile.

"What?" I whispered in confusement."Nothing, I can't remember." She said, but I could easily tell she was lying."Anyways," She continued."Desertstar will make us all warriors once your paw is healed." I looked down."My paw?" For the first time since i woke up, I just realized my paw was hurting like crazy. I looked at it to see it heavily bounded in cobwebs. Two twigs were also bound in, as if to keep my paw straight."Orchidblossom says you broke your paw, and hurt your head a little. Nothing major." Snowpaw came forward to look at my paw."Nothing major!?" I looked at her like she just announced she was actually a tom or something.

"You kidding me!? This means I can't train!" In the back of my mind, I was also reminded of the other day at the training clearing."It's fine! Desertstar will make you a warrior anyways! Boltstorm told him how well you have trained." I nodded slowly."If I have apparently missed a lot, how long have I been out." I was slowly regaining my voice, so I could talk normally."Oh, about three days." Snowpaw said calmly. I was done with shouting, so I didn't show my shock."One more thing." I said while yawning."Where in Starclan's name are we?"

Snowpaw smiled."We are waiting for camp to drain out. We are just staying in a small clearing until things are better." I closed my eyes and sank back into my nest. All I really wanted to do was sleep for another three days. Things would be so much easier then........................

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