Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter One

I sharpened my claws on the roots of a tree. My father and I had been traveling for almost an entire moon now, and he wouldn't let us settle anywhere."Dad, I want to find a clan to live in!" I shouted out of the blue."I'm sick of traveling!" He turned around to me, raising my hopes slightly. Too soon."Dreamingpaw," He started out slowly."I told you to call me Silverfury." I scowled deeply."If we are going to go on like this, I'm running away!" I threatened, but he didn't seem to care."Fine!" I whirled around, back to where I had scented a clan.

I heard my father call for me once, but it seemed very half-hearted. I ran, and I let the tears come. They streamed down my face, making my cheeks cold as I ran. Once I felt like I could go no farther, I found shelter in the roots of a tree. Grabbing some soft leaves and spreading them in it, I settled in to rest. But I couldn't. My slicing eyes found their way into the growing darkness once more. And no matter how much I hated it, I realized that I was afraid. I imagined my father would call me a coward if I said anything, which made me grow to be tough, and sometimes without emotion. My mother on the other hand, would comfort me, and cradle me while singing until I slept.

Mother. I sighed, and the tears came again. But this time, I was blubbering. I wailed, and moaned. Shut up! I screamed at myself. You may attract enemies! I allowed my eyes to cry me into an uneasy sleep.


Sunlight filtered through the roots. I scrunched my face as the beams tugged at my eyes. Slowly blinking them open, I peered outside to see the crisp, lovely morning. It made me sad, since it could have been so wonderful if I had forgotten my loses. I left the leaves in the tree, just in case I needed to shelter there again. I started to sniff for the trail. It was extremely faint though."I'm lucky it didn't rain, or I would be doomed." I said to myself with a slight smile. At first I walked, to reserve more energy, then slightly trotted.

At about sun-high, I found that the trail was becoming more powerful."I must be getting close!" I smiled, then a loud rumbling interrupted me. I looked around in panic, only to find it was my stomach."Great, I'm afraid of my own stomach." I laughed. I looked off to a clump of bushes. Surely there must be prey in there, but I was afraid that I would lose my trail. I quickly left a large twig where I was standing, and stalked over to the bushes.

Once I found an opening in the bushes, I saw it was swarming with birds. The funny thing was, most of the refused to fly. When they did, they didn't go very high or far. When I saw one alone, I snatched at it with my paw, pulling it out. It squawked for a moment, then I ended it's life. I thanked Starclan for the food, then ate the whole thing. I quickly found my way back to the trail, and followed it.


Things started to get colder. I began to shiver, despite how thick my pelt was. As I sat down to bite a thorn out of my pad, I saw a flash of white zip through the trees."Whose there!" I commanded. Silence. Then I saw it again. This is it was closer to me. I suddenly got a feeling that I should step backwards. I jumped back as far as a could, and a small white she-cat crashed where I used to be."How did you dodge that?" She said, not even caring who I was."That was my best sneak attack."Ummm." I stared at her with confusion. She realized the awkwardness and cleared her throat.

"I'm Snowpaw. Nice to meet you." She smiled and dipped her head. I pricked my ears."You mean your from a clan?" Snowpaw nodded."Yup!" I thought for a moment."I'm Dreamingpaw from Mysteryclan." Suddenly, the hair on Snowpaw's back rose."Different clan? I'm sorry but you have to leave." I sighed."Just hear me out, okay?" She nodded, and I continued."My clan exploded about a moon ago. I traveled with my father but he......" I hesitated. Surely if I told them I had a father they would make me bring him."Died." Snowpaw came forward comfortingly."Oh, I'm sorry. You could join our clan if you like!"

My eyes flared, leading her on."Really! You would let me!?" Snowpaw purred."Of course! You poor thing, you probably went through so much already." I smiled to myself as Snowpaw led me through the territory."You'll be joining Stealthclan." Snowpaw said later on to break the silence between us."Stealthclan." I echoed. I truly liked the sound of it."Yeah, you'll love it there." She smiled.

"Desertstar!" Snowpaw yowled at the top of her lungs. I flattened my ears when every eye in the clearing turned towards us. A large tan tom came over."What is it Snowpaw." He said. I heard a hint of annoyance in his voice, which made me giggle quietly. Snowpaw gestured to me with her tail."She wants to join. Her clan got destroyed. Her name is Dreamingpaw." I dipped my head to the tom, I figured out by now that he was leader. He studied me for a while."Do you have any kin?" I shook my head."No, most of them died in the explosion, and my father died while we traveled."

Desertstar nodded."Very well." He quickly perched himself upon a fallen tree at the top of the hollow."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Fallen Oak for a clan meeting!" I saw tons of cats gather, and felt my stomach tie itself in knots."Today we have a new apprentice. By naming apprentices we show that Stealthclan is strong. Dreamingpaw, step forward." I did as he said with obedience. I was very calm, since I had already gone through this ceremony before."Do you promise to learn the ways of the warrior code and train hard?" I nodded calmly, which made Desertstar purr."Then until you have earned your warrior name, you shall be an apprentice of Stealthclan. Your mentor shall be Boltstorm." I saw a large light ginger tom pad towards me, and I touched his nose.

"Snowpaw, show your new friend around. I want Applesplash to make some patrols. Meeting dismissed!" Desertstar leaped down, and padded to a pretty white and gold she-cat."So, I'll show you to our den first." Snowpaw led me away eagerly."It's been a while since we've had a new cat around here."

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