Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter Two

"Yup, that's the camp!" Snowpaw looked pretty satisfied with herself. I looked at each den, saying it's name in my head so I could remember."Oh look! The patrols are back!" Snowpaw padded over to two young toms in the group. She brought them over to meet me."Whirlpaw, this is Dreamingpaw. She just joined while you guys where gone. And that's Lionpaw." The bright ginger tom didn't say anything to me, so I turned to Whirlpaw."Hi." He smiled, returned the greeting, and went into the apprentices den. I heard Snowpaw giggling.

Once Lionpaw followed Whirlpaw, I looked at Snowpaw."You like him, don't you." I teased, and she twitched her ears shyly."Yeah, I can't help myself." I purred."I don't think you even have to worry. He seemed to have an eyes for you too." I tried to act happy,but grief for my mother still tugged at me every day. Snowpaw snuggled her head against her shoulders."Thanks." I could see the slight pink on her cheeks through her white fur."So, what should we do?" I asked Snowpaw, then Boltstorm came up."Now that you've eaten and rested, we're going to go training." I smiled."Sounds fun! Okay!" Snowpaw jumped up as well."Can I come too?" Boltstorm shook his head."No, Whirlpaw will be coming with us today."

Snowpaw drooped her ears."Okay." I leaned to her, feeling bad."Don't worry," I purred."I'm not taking your boyfriend." She pushed me playfully and padded to the apprentices den. I sat and waited until finally Whirlpaw and his mentor came to join us." It's about time." I smiled at both of them. Whirlpaw acknowledged me, but his mentor Treejump humphed and looked away."Let's go." Boltstorm stood up and raced out the entrance of camp.


"Again Whirlpaw! Try harder!" Treejump yowled furiously. It was what, the fourth time a won the spar between me and Whirlpaw? "This time." Whirlpaw growled playfully."Try me." I said in the same voice, a little more hostile. Whirlpaw leaped at me, but I easily sidestepped and he crashed to the ground. Before he could get me from behind, I swerved around and lunged at him. I laughed at his stunned face just before we made contact. I flipped him over me and pinned him down."Point 5!" I purred and let him up. Treejump stepped forward."Excuse us." He said, and led Whirlpaw into some ferns. Boltstorm urged me, and I crept forward to listen.

Treejump was pacing back and forth."You must stop letting this she-cat beat you. It's like Tigerstar said. The cat that will stop us is from a clan reduced to ashes. He said she would be hard to beat, and we must weaken her early." Whirlpaw sighed."I don't why you're pulling me into this, I want a normal life!" Treejump hissed."Because your Flick's son! That's why your helping me!" I was rather taken aback. Tigerstar? Prophecy? Flick? This doesn't make sense! I didn't want to hear anymore. I quickly scampered back to Boltstom."What are they talking about?" He asked eagerly. Despite what I just heard, I managed to smile at his gossip-like attitude.

I wasn't sure if I should tell him exactly what I heard, because maybe it was against Starclan's plan. It still didn't make sense though, I had just joined."He's just scolding him for me winning." Boltstrike nodded."How did you get so good, anyways?" I sat down."Well, I was once part of a clan. Plus my father was very strict about my training." Boltstorm nodded, and again we waited until they came out."That is enough training for know. We will return to camp." Boltstorm nodded and we went back.


Back in camp, Whirlpaw told me to follow him. We went to the apprentices den, and he sat me down."Dreamingpaw, my mentor is................evil." I widened my eyes, pretending I had never listened."Tigerstar came to him, and told him of a she-cat from a clan reduced to ashes. She would stop the Dark Forest from rising." I shifted my paws."That can't mean me, can it?" Whirlpaw shrugged."I don't know, but he wants me to kill you!" Now I gasped. I never heard that part of the conversation.

I backed away nervously."You're not going to , are you?" Whirlpaw shook his head fiercely."Of course not! I'm not dark forest cat." I bowed my head."Thanks! I'm not really up for dieing." He laughed."Okay, but steer clear of him. If your alone with him, he'll do it himself." I nodded."Thanks Whirlpaw, and one more thing." I asked him as he headed out."What do you think of Snowpaw?" I laughed when he halted. I could see embarrassment in his eyes."I..." I purred.I know, you like her." He smiled, and went out.

I found myself a nest, and laid down to rest. Great, I've already got, what three cats who want me dead? I I don't even know why!? I sighed, but managed to fall asleep without crying.

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