Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter Five

Everyone sat vigil for Treejump, except me. Even Whirlwind did, since he was his mentor and all. I just told them I felt like it was my fault, because I was obviously not ready to tell them he tried to kill me. Not like it would be hard to believe though, he was very rude and never liked me. I peered out of the warriors den at Moonhigh. Most of the cats were asleep, except for a few like Applesplash and Desertstar.

As I watched, a huge silver tom slipped into the clearing. Desertstar's head shot up warily, then the tom whispered in his ear. After talking for a moment, the tom laid on the ground. Who is he? What in the name in Starclan is he doing? I thought in confusion. Nothing else of interest seemed to be happening, so I finally willed my eyes to close.


"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather together for a clan meeting!" Desertstar yowled at the top of his lungs. I blinked in the coming sunlight. My eyelids were still heavy with sleep."Treejump shall be buried by Birdflash and another elder of his choice." The old tom nodded respectfully."We also have a new cat that wants to join! Please welcome Poundstep!" The tom cheered for the huge, muscular silver tom. But I could tell something wasn't right. Just the way his eyes reflected around the clearing made me wary."And gracefully," Desertstar continued."Our camp has finally drained out! We can return!"

That was the first thing that made me smile for a while. Now I could sleep in the real warriors den. We all poured out of the narrow, makeshift entrance. Snowbird slipped in beside me as we pounded away. Of course, it didn't take very long to get there. But when we were, we saw a silver and white tom. He was pretty good looking, but seemed confused."Why are you in our camp?" Desertstar stepped forward with a furious growl. The tom stepped boldly forward."I have come to join your clan. You weren't here." I caught his gaze, which made me uncomfortable. I turned away, and could tell someone else was staring. I wasn't sure who.

Desertstar though for a moment."Very well." He returned to his rightful place on the Fallen Oak."Cats of Stealthclan!" He yowled."We have yet another new joiner. Please welcome Meltingblade!" The clan purred. They were sure this tom was of no threat. As soon as things died down, he padded right over to me."Hi!" He smiled."I was wondering if you could show me around." I felt my ears get hot. Nobody ever really wanted to spend time with me but Snowbird and Whirlwind.

"I guess I could....." I shifted my paws."Follow me." Snowbird pranced after us."Hi! I'm Snowbird!" She tried to greet Meltingblade. He nodded to her, then we continued."Could I borrow Dreamingstrike for a moment?" Before Meltingblade could answer, Snowbird dragged me away like a piece of prey."Hey, I'm still alive you know!" I growled while rubbing my neck."What are you doing?" She asked."Hogging Meltingblade, when there are plenty of mateless she-cats?" I flattened my ears."What are YOU talking about? He asked me to show him around, and I am a mateless she-cat. I don't even know if I WANT a mate." I immediately regretted yelling after Snowbird looked at the ground.

"That's too bad." She said. I looked her in the eyes."Look, I'm sorry. It's just, you have Whirlwind, and nobody has ever cared for me. People I care about......." I felt tears beginning to well up."They don't last." I couldn't stand of thinking any longer. My mother, my litter-mates........ Dad never loved me. I thought sadly as well."You go have fun." Snowbird smiled lightly. I nudged her, then went back to Meltingblade."So..... let's go.'' I motioned with my tail. We slipped calmly out of camp. I don't know where my manners went, but once I got a rush of air I began itching to run. Before my brain could take action, my paws sent me flying across the ground. I heard Meltingblade pounding to keep up, but he couldn't catch me.

Meltingblade jerked to a stop."Wait." My paws skidded the ground, churning up levels of dirt. He flicked his tail toward a bush. We both peeked through it, and he gasped. What I saw was a brown tabby tom. Shivers went up my spine."That looks like Treejump." I whispered, then the tom turned around. I felt my stomach clench. The tom had such a sinister look. I could see hatred flaring in his eyes, and could easily tell he wasn't a friendly neighbor."That's Flick." Meltingblade whispered. That didn't really help either."Flick?" My mind whirred back to when I heard Treejump lecturing. Flick is the one! The one who's out to get me! Just as I saw Flick brush out of the small clearing, my legs gave out from under me and the world went black.

Chapter Four

Day three of being out of camp. The warriors reported that the camp still wasn't totally drained, so we still had to stay in this small clearing. Orchidblossom was making me walk around the territory so that my paw could heal better, but man it hurt! Especially when everyone was to busy to go with you, and you keep stepping on things. Finally, Snowpaw said she was able to come walking with me. I was really depressed, seeing all the trees I could have been climbing if I hadn't let Lionpaw's retort get to me."Don't be so sad!" Snowpaw chided as we rested under a tree."Why were your claws so deep in the wood anyways?" I gave her my 'I can do whatever I want look'."It's just that, Lionpaw seemed to be making fun of me for jumping at the sound of thunder, and I didn't want to look weak." I glared again when Snowpaw laughed.

"You're scared of thunder?" She purred loudly, then clamped her tail in her mouth when she realized what she said."Oh, sorry." She flattened her ears with embarrassment. I sighed and looked away."It's okay. It probably sounds stupid." I could tell Snowpaw was nervous, because she kept shifting her paws."We should probably go back. Hopefully your paw gets better soon." We both trudged back in silence.

Basically, the rest of my day was B-O-R-I-N-G. Turns out Lionpaw got a fever from falling in the water, and Snowpaw was too busy flirting with Whirlpaw. I finally decided to go take a nap in the warm sun, then I heard Desertstar yowl."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather together for a clan meeting!" I padded over to a tall rock where Desertstar had established himself. I realized that my paw didn't hurt that bad, and I was hardly limping."I think it's about times we announced some warriors and apprentices!" My eyes glittered suddenly. Of course, I had no idea that it made my appearance more appealing to the toms."Snowpaw, step forward."

Snowpaw was in front of Desertstar before I could see her move."You have trained long and hard as an apprentice of Stealthclan. Do you promise to take on the responsibility of a full warrior?" Snowpaw shook her head so hard I though it was going to fall off and roll away."Yes!" She purred with pleasure."Then by the power of Starclan, I grant you your warrior name. Snowpaw, you shall now be known as Snowbird. Starclan honors your fun and excitement." SnowBIRD trotted happily over to me."Dreamingpaw, step forward." I slowly did so, trying to look more majestic and powerful."You have trained long and hard as an apprentice. Not just here, but in another clan and on your own. Do you promise to take on the full responsibility of a warrior?" I slowly nodded, and suddenly my mind was at a loss for words.

"Then by the power of Starclan, I grant you your warrior name. Dreamingpaw, you shall now be known as Dreamingstrike. Starclan honors your power and honesty. Dreamingstrike. My mind echoed as I returned to my place in the crowd. It had a nice ring to it, I liked it. For the rest of the ceremony, I was pretty much dumb-founded. All I heard was that Whirlpaw became Whirlwind, and Lionpaw became Lionfritz. Then there were some new apprentices or something like that."We're warriors!" Snowbird pronounced proudly."Now we can do all sorts of things!" I rolled my eyes at her, but still happy that she was the one who found me.

Lionfritz headed back to the medicine cat den. He still had a fever, so I wondered why he was made a warrior. Whirlwind came over to us, and Snowbird got all blushy. I left them alone, then headed to the forest. As I a nice glade I laid down to bask in the sun since I didn't get to it. I heard a rustle come from the edge of the glade. Faintly, in the back of my mind, I remembered Whirlwind's warning. Don't go anywhere alone, or he'll do it himself. Who was he again? I narrowed my eyes when Treejump came through the ferns."What do you want?" I licked my paw, and suddenly my stomach started tying itself in knots."Oh, nothing much really." He unsheathed his claws and ran them down the trunk of a tree.

"Just want you gone." He continued his reply while advancing towards me."Gone?" In a flash, everything came back to me. Treejump working for Tigerstar and Flick, whoever Flick was. My eyes widened when I realized again that Treejump was about to kill me. I screamed and began to run. I felt my paw get stronger, and realized that Starclan was helping. Of course, to my distress, I heard Treejump pounding after. If I can just make it back to camp, I'll be safe! I swerved into the direction of camp, then remembered it was flooded with water. I also remembered that I could swim, and the rest of the clan can't. I continued in that direction, and jumped in.

You know, it's a strange sensation, flying into a pit of water to save your life. It's a mixture of terror and excitement. As soon as I hit the water, I willed my paws to paddled through the clear rainwater. I heard Treejump splash in after me, then him flailing in the water. I looked back to see him sinking down. Even though it twisted my heart to see him like that, I knew he was trying to kill me. I pulled myself back out and ran to camp.


"Help! Treejump fell into the water!" Everyone turned to look at me."I was working on my paw, and I saw him fall in! I can't pull him! Hurry!" Everyone rushed out of the make-shift camp, everyone but Whirlwind. He padded over to me calmly."You led him there, didn't you?" I nodded slowly."He was trying to kill me....." Whirlwind looked at the sky in agitation."Didn't I tell you not to go in the forest alone." I sighed heavily."Yes, but I forgot. It's not like it's bad." Whirlwind glared at me."Oh it's not bad. It's worse. All you've done is angered Flick more. He's either gonna come kill you, force me to kill you or he will kill me, or send one if his other horrible rouges like Pound." I felt tears brimming my eyes. Despite how much my father had yelled at me, I still wasn't used to it.

I snapped my head up to stare Whirlwind eye to eye."Well, I'm sorry I ruined your dainty little life. My don't you just go flirt with your girlfriend and everything will be better for you!" I growled heavily and stormed away to the warriors den. Right now, I felt like my only friend was Lionfritz, and it was his fault I broke my paw! I scraped together some other moss, but didn't make it to comfortable since we weren't staying here. I laid there with my eyes wide open until I heard the clan come back."Treejump is dead!"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter Three

I felt someone shaking me furiously."Dreamingpaw! Dreamingpaw!" Snowpaw's voice brought me slowly into the real world."What is it?" I mumbled sleepily. Of course, that didn't last long. My eyes popped open to find water surrounding my nest. For the first time, I found that my side was soaking wet from my now wet nest."There's a flood! We have to get out!" Snowpaw said urgently, then lead me out.

The second a got outside, I was sure I had a headache. Rain pelted super hard, I could hardly keep my head up. Water filled the clearing almost a tail-length deep, so my paws began to churn through the water. Most of the cats were either on the Fallen Oak, or in Desertstar's den."Let's hurry!" Snowpaw lead me to the Fallen Oak. We both hopped up the stone ledges, then Snowpaw slipped. I saw Whirlpaw on the tree, who lunged forward to catch her. I quickly swoop in and grabbed her scruff. Once she was settled on the stone again, I saw Whirlpaw swimming in the water. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

I saw Boltstorm at the top, who beckoned me up."Apprentices in the den." He ordered curtly."But I can tough it out here." I sat stubbornly next to him."So can I!" Snowpaw took her place beside me, even though pretty soon here fragile frame was shaking."Why don't you go in?" I whispered to her, and this time she didn't complain.


I can't exactly explain how long the rain went. All I remember is The hollow was filled up like a pond. I heard the medicine cat, Orchidblossom, continuously moaning about all the herbs that were lost. Then there was thunder. That kinda really got me, because I had never heard thunder before. When it first sounded, I nearly jumped out of my fur."It's just thunder." I turned around to see Lionpaw sitting behind me."Nothing to be scared of." I scowled at him and turned away. Thunder came again, and I purposely dug my claws as deep as I could to avoid jumping. Bad choice.

See, I tend to use my front claws more often then my hind claws, which is another bad thing. As we waited out the rain, thunder booming, I heard a loud shriek. A yellowy-white zap shot out of the sky, then I heard the thunder again. I loud, sparky noise fizzed through my ears, and I saw a huge pine tree toppling over. My legs were frozen in horror. By the time I came to my senses, the tree was only a few moments away."Look out!" Lionpaw lunged forward to knock me out of the way. But it only half worked.

As Lionpaw fell to the water, my claws were still hooked into the bark of the Fallen Oak. I clenched my teeth painfully at the weight my paw had to support. But, as usual, it got worse. The pine tree just had to land right on my paw. Don't I have the best of luck. I growled to myself to keep from tears. Everything slowly started to get fuzzy. I could hear the voices of warriors pushing at the fallen tree so they could help me up. However, it seems they forgot what side of the tree I was on. They pushed it off where I was dangling. I stared at it with a moan, and hissed just before it made contact with my head. Then everything went black.


It was the first time I had woken up from a long-term injury. I wasn't used to the whole wake up in a different place thing. When my eyes found their way back out, I was in a completely unknown place. Snowpaw was sitting next to my nest. I waited for her to notice that I had awoken then heard a loud snore. I managed to laugh quietly. I slowly but surely reached my up to her and prodded her."Give it back!" Snowpaw screamed, then remembered where she was. I laughed again, and she saw me."Dreamingpaw!" She raced forward and nudged me."Hi." I said weakly. So what did I miss?" Snowpaw purred."Quite a bit! Desertstar said He might make us warriors soon! And Whirlpaw told me he liked me! And Lionpaw-" She suddenly cut herself off with a sly smile.

"What?" I whispered in confusement."Nothing, I can't remember." She said, but I could easily tell she was lying."Anyways," She continued."Desertstar will make us all warriors once your paw is healed." I looked down."My paw?" For the first time since i woke up, I just realized my paw was hurting like crazy. I looked at it to see it heavily bounded in cobwebs. Two twigs were also bound in, as if to keep my paw straight."Orchidblossom says you broke your paw, and hurt your head a little. Nothing major." Snowpaw came forward to look at my paw."Nothing major!?" I looked at her like she just announced she was actually a tom or something.

"You kidding me!? This means I can't train!" In the back of my mind, I was also reminded of the other day at the training clearing."It's fine! Desertstar will make you a warrior anyways! Boltstorm told him how well you have trained." I nodded slowly."If I have apparently missed a lot, how long have I been out." I was slowly regaining my voice, so I could talk normally."Oh, about three days." Snowpaw said calmly. I was done with shouting, so I didn't show my shock."One more thing." I said while yawning."Where in Starclan's name are we?"

Snowpaw smiled."We are waiting for camp to drain out. We are just staying in a small clearing until things are better." I closed my eyes and sank back into my nest. All I really wanted to do was sleep for another three days. Things would be so much easier then........................

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter Two

"Yup, that's the camp!" Snowpaw looked pretty satisfied with herself. I looked at each den, saying it's name in my head so I could remember."Oh look! The patrols are back!" Snowpaw padded over to two young toms in the group. She brought them over to meet me."Whirlpaw, this is Dreamingpaw. She just joined while you guys where gone. And that's Lionpaw." The bright ginger tom didn't say anything to me, so I turned to Whirlpaw."Hi." He smiled, returned the greeting, and went into the apprentices den. I heard Snowpaw giggling.

Once Lionpaw followed Whirlpaw, I looked at Snowpaw."You like him, don't you." I teased, and she twitched her ears shyly."Yeah, I can't help myself." I purred."I don't think you even have to worry. He seemed to have an eyes for you too." I tried to act happy,but grief for my mother still tugged at me every day. Snowpaw snuggled her head against her shoulders."Thanks." I could see the slight pink on her cheeks through her white fur."So, what should we do?" I asked Snowpaw, then Boltstorm came up."Now that you've eaten and rested, we're going to go training." I smiled."Sounds fun! Okay!" Snowpaw jumped up as well."Can I come too?" Boltstorm shook his head."No, Whirlpaw will be coming with us today."

Snowpaw drooped her ears."Okay." I leaned to her, feeling bad."Don't worry," I purred."I'm not taking your boyfriend." She pushed me playfully and padded to the apprentices den. I sat and waited until finally Whirlpaw and his mentor came to join us." It's about time." I smiled at both of them. Whirlpaw acknowledged me, but his mentor Treejump humphed and looked away."Let's go." Boltstorm stood up and raced out the entrance of camp.


"Again Whirlpaw! Try harder!" Treejump yowled furiously. It was what, the fourth time a won the spar between me and Whirlpaw? "This time." Whirlpaw growled playfully."Try me." I said in the same voice, a little more hostile. Whirlpaw leaped at me, but I easily sidestepped and he crashed to the ground. Before he could get me from behind, I swerved around and lunged at him. I laughed at his stunned face just before we made contact. I flipped him over me and pinned him down."Point 5!" I purred and let him up. Treejump stepped forward."Excuse us." He said, and led Whirlpaw into some ferns. Boltstorm urged me, and I crept forward to listen.

Treejump was pacing back and forth."You must stop letting this she-cat beat you. It's like Tigerstar said. The cat that will stop us is from a clan reduced to ashes. He said she would be hard to beat, and we must weaken her early." Whirlpaw sighed."I don't why you're pulling me into this, I want a normal life!" Treejump hissed."Because your Flick's son! That's why your helping me!" I was rather taken aback. Tigerstar? Prophecy? Flick? This doesn't make sense! I didn't want to hear anymore. I quickly scampered back to Boltstom."What are they talking about?" He asked eagerly. Despite what I just heard, I managed to smile at his gossip-like attitude.

I wasn't sure if I should tell him exactly what I heard, because maybe it was against Starclan's plan. It still didn't make sense though, I had just joined."He's just scolding him for me winning." Boltstrike nodded."How did you get so good, anyways?" I sat down."Well, I was once part of a clan. Plus my father was very strict about my training." Boltstorm nodded, and again we waited until they came out."That is enough training for know. We will return to camp." Boltstorm nodded and we went back.


Back in camp, Whirlpaw told me to follow him. We went to the apprentices den, and he sat me down."Dreamingpaw, my mentor is................evil." I widened my eyes, pretending I had never listened."Tigerstar came to him, and told him of a she-cat from a clan reduced to ashes. She would stop the Dark Forest from rising." I shifted my paws."That can't mean me, can it?" Whirlpaw shrugged."I don't know, but he wants me to kill you!" Now I gasped. I never heard that part of the conversation.

I backed away nervously."You're not going to , are you?" Whirlpaw shook his head fiercely."Of course not! I'm not dark forest cat." I bowed my head."Thanks! I'm not really up for dieing." He laughed."Okay, but steer clear of him. If your alone with him, he'll do it himself." I nodded."Thanks Whirlpaw, and one more thing." I asked him as he headed out."What do you think of Snowpaw?" I laughed when he halted. I could see embarrassment in his eyes."I..." I purred.I know, you like her." He smiled, and went out.

I found myself a nest, and laid down to rest. Great, I've already got, what three cats who want me dead? I I don't even know why!? I sighed, but managed to fall asleep without crying.

Chapter One

I sharpened my claws on the roots of a tree. My father and I had been traveling for almost an entire moon now, and he wouldn't let us settle anywhere."Dad, I want to find a clan to live in!" I shouted out of the blue."I'm sick of traveling!" He turned around to me, raising my hopes slightly. Too soon."Dreamingpaw," He started out slowly."I told you to call me Silverfury." I scowled deeply."If we are going to go on like this, I'm running away!" I threatened, but he didn't seem to care."Fine!" I whirled around, back to where I had scented a clan.

I heard my father call for me once, but it seemed very half-hearted. I ran, and I let the tears come. They streamed down my face, making my cheeks cold as I ran. Once I felt like I could go no farther, I found shelter in the roots of a tree. Grabbing some soft leaves and spreading them in it, I settled in to rest. But I couldn't. My slicing eyes found their way into the growing darkness once more. And no matter how much I hated it, I realized that I was afraid. I imagined my father would call me a coward if I said anything, which made me grow to be tough, and sometimes without emotion. My mother on the other hand, would comfort me, and cradle me while singing until I slept.

Mother. I sighed, and the tears came again. But this time, I was blubbering. I wailed, and moaned. Shut up! I screamed at myself. You may attract enemies! I allowed my eyes to cry me into an uneasy sleep.


Sunlight filtered through the roots. I scrunched my face as the beams tugged at my eyes. Slowly blinking them open, I peered outside to see the crisp, lovely morning. It made me sad, since it could have been so wonderful if I had forgotten my loses. I left the leaves in the tree, just in case I needed to shelter there again. I started to sniff for the trail. It was extremely faint though."I'm lucky it didn't rain, or I would be doomed." I said to myself with a slight smile. At first I walked, to reserve more energy, then slightly trotted.

At about sun-high, I found that the trail was becoming more powerful."I must be getting close!" I smiled, then a loud rumbling interrupted me. I looked around in panic, only to find it was my stomach."Great, I'm afraid of my own stomach." I laughed. I looked off to a clump of bushes. Surely there must be prey in there, but I was afraid that I would lose my trail. I quickly left a large twig where I was standing, and stalked over to the bushes.

Once I found an opening in the bushes, I saw it was swarming with birds. The funny thing was, most of the refused to fly. When they did, they didn't go very high or far. When I saw one alone, I snatched at it with my paw, pulling it out. It squawked for a moment, then I ended it's life. I thanked Starclan for the food, then ate the whole thing. I quickly found my way back to the trail, and followed it.


Things started to get colder. I began to shiver, despite how thick my pelt was. As I sat down to bite a thorn out of my pad, I saw a flash of white zip through the trees."Whose there!" I commanded. Silence. Then I saw it again. This is it was closer to me. I suddenly got a feeling that I should step backwards. I jumped back as far as a could, and a small white she-cat crashed where I used to be."How did you dodge that?" She said, not even caring who I was."That was my best sneak attack."Ummm." I stared at her with confusion. She realized the awkwardness and cleared her throat.

"I'm Snowpaw. Nice to meet you." She smiled and dipped her head. I pricked my ears."You mean your from a clan?" Snowpaw nodded."Yup!" I thought for a moment."I'm Dreamingpaw from Mysteryclan." Suddenly, the hair on Snowpaw's back rose."Different clan? I'm sorry but you have to leave." I sighed."Just hear me out, okay?" She nodded, and I continued."My clan exploded about a moon ago. I traveled with my father but he......" I hesitated. Surely if I told them I had a father they would make me bring him."Died." Snowpaw came forward comfortingly."Oh, I'm sorry. You could join our clan if you like!"

My eyes flared, leading her on."Really! You would let me!?" Snowpaw purred."Of course! You poor thing, you probably went through so much already." I smiled to myself as Snowpaw led me through the territory."You'll be joining Stealthclan." Snowpaw said later on to break the silence between us."Stealthclan." I echoed. I truly liked the sound of it."Yeah, you'll love it there." She smiled.

"Desertstar!" Snowpaw yowled at the top of her lungs. I flattened my ears when every eye in the clearing turned towards us. A large tan tom came over."What is it Snowpaw." He said. I heard a hint of annoyance in his voice, which made me giggle quietly. Snowpaw gestured to me with her tail."She wants to join. Her clan got destroyed. Her name is Dreamingpaw." I dipped my head to the tom, I figured out by now that he was leader. He studied me for a while."Do you have any kin?" I shook my head."No, most of them died in the explosion, and my father died while we traveled."

Desertstar nodded."Very well." He quickly perched himself upon a fallen tree at the top of the hollow."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Fallen Oak for a clan meeting!" I saw tons of cats gather, and felt my stomach tie itself in knots."Today we have a new apprentice. By naming apprentices we show that Stealthclan is strong. Dreamingpaw, step forward." I did as he said with obedience. I was very calm, since I had already gone through this ceremony before."Do you promise to learn the ways of the warrior code and train hard?" I nodded calmly, which made Desertstar purr."Then until you have earned your warrior name, you shall be an apprentice of Stealthclan. Your mentor shall be Boltstorm." I saw a large light ginger tom pad towards me, and I touched his nose.

"Snowpaw, show your new friend around. I want Applesplash to make some patrols. Meeting dismissed!" Desertstar leaped down, and padded to a pretty white and gold she-cat."So, I'll show you to our den first." Snowpaw led me away eagerly."It's been a while since we've had a new cat around here."


"Hurry up, Dreamingpaw!" A grey tom snapped, his yellow eyes glaring. Dreamingpaw nodded, her pretty tortoiseshell fur covered in soot and ashes. She scampered after her father, constantly looking back at the explosion. Silverfury didn't seem to care that her mother had perished in the explosion."What about mom?" She whimpered quietly as she tried to keep up with Silverfury's quick pace.

Silverfury didn't even look at her."It is sad. But I won't let it bother me. That's what you have to do if your going to be strong." He growled deeply. Dreamingpaw let the tears silently fall. Her mother, brothers........And Songkit. She mourned for her sweet little sister, who had been blind. She bowed her head sadly, and dragged her tail along the ground and she followed her father.