Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chapter Seven

"Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Snowbird break into my sleep."What is it now? A tree's on fire?" I said sarcastically as I sat up."Of course not silly!" Snowbird giggled."I heard that Meltingblade is gonna ask you to be his mate!" I stared blankly for a moment until what she said soaked through."What!?" I jumped up. This isn't what I wanted! I had so many things to accomplish."Isn't it great!" Snowbird purred."We'll both have mates!" I shook my head."I don't know...." Snowbird quickly interrupted."Oh hush, Dreamingstrike!" She smiled and led me out of the den. To my disdain, Meltingblade was waiting by the fresh-kill pile.

His face lit up when he saw me. He padded over and my eyes glued to the ground."So, Dreamingstrike." He smiled."I was wondering if you could-" Lionfritz padded up mid sentence."Excuse me, what's going on?" Meltingblade flattened his ears."I was asking her a question." He hissed."Back off." Lionfritz's green eyes went ablaze. Just as I thought a fight was going to break out, a random, bracken colored tom burst into camp. His eyes narrowed on me and he pounced at me. Before anyone could react, his jaws were closed on my scruff. I found myself too shocked to move. The tom was surprisingly fast even though he was carrying me.

Lionfritz, Meltingblade, and soon half the clan ran after me. Without warning of any kind, the tom leaped over a ravine."AHHHHHH!" I screamed in pure terror as the earth appeared many tail-lengths below."Shut it." The tom growled through my fur as he landed. All the cats skidded to a halt on the other side. They looked sadly after me. They're just giving up!? I thought with panic. Pain began to sear into my back. The rocks weren't exactly doing any favors for me as I was dragged. I don't know how, but suddenly I was unbearably sleepy. Once the tom stopped running, I fell asleep.


I awoke to many cats looming over me."Quick! She woke up!" They all quickly scattered. I sat up to find myself in a cozy den. I lumbered to the entrance and looked out. Many other cats conversed and did other activities. It looked much like a clan. Then my heart stopped when I saw a familiar silver tom on a boulder. His bright yellow eyes focused onto me, and he smiled."Da- Silverfury?" He leaped down and padded to me."It's Silver now." He said gruffly, but then his expression softened."But you can call me Dad." Feeling a rush of joy, I leaped forward and nuzzled him."Oh Dad! I missed yo-" I then pulled away."Wait, hwy is your name Silver?"

"Glad you asked." He purred."You see, I encountered these rouges after you ran away. Since I was such an excellent fighter, they placed me as their leader. Now that you have been retrieved, as my daughter, you are the princess." I cocked my head."Princess?" Silver laughed."You see, we have our own naming system. I'm the King. My mate would be the Queen. All my sons would be Prince's, and my daughters as Princess's." I slowly sat down in wonder."I'm glad you are happy to see me, but I can't stay." I said slowly. My father's face became concerned."Why not? This is where you belong." I could tell he was hurt."I know, but I have a clan." I sighed."I have my best friend. And I even have a tom that likes me. I think he was going to ask me to be his mate."

Silver laughed."Why would anyone think of that? No clan cat is taking my daughter as their mate." He said confidentially."But you were a clan cat! You were a deputy!" I said sadly. How could my father become this? His eyes narrowed."Clan life is unstable and provides no safety for families." He half said, half growled."You are not going back." "Yes I am!" I demanded. Silver scowled."If that's the case, you aren't leaving this den." He turned to two very large toms."I want you two guarding her den at all times. When the time is right, I will find who deserves to be my daughter's mate." They nodded and took their place in front of me.

"I will check on you later." Silver turned around and stalked away. I stormed back to the nest and flopped in. most of the den was cave, so it was unlikely of a stealthy escape. If I tried to get out in the small leafy section, the guards would surely hear me. Even though there was only a few seconds I thought my father had changed, I was surely shocked at what he had become. He had been the most loyal clan cat I had known. Now he hated clan life. I slowly cried myself to sleep, remembering that time so long ago in the tree stump.

Being afraid was my only weakness. There was nothing that bothered me more. Cats could criticize me, hurt me, anything. But nothing was more affective than being afraid. Once again, I found I was furious with myself. I needed to suck it up and figure out how to save myself. The others weren't going to come and save me. They couldn't jump the ravine. I buried my face into the moss, my breathing going deeper and slower as sleep overcame me.