Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chapter Six

You know Déjà vu's? It was almost like that, except I knew I had done it before. I woke up dazed, back in the familiar Medicine Cat Den. Snowbird was once again at my side. However, this time Whirlwind, Lionfritz, and Meltingblade as well."You okay?" All four leaned over me. I shook away the fog that clouded my thoughts."Yeah, I'm fine." Meltingblade shuffled his paws."Why did you black out anyways?" I suddenly felt sick again. The others must have seen it, because they ran forward as if I was going to fall out."Nothing," I finally choked out. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to say what I had heard so long ago.

They didn't seem satisfied."Well, it's just, Flick is a bad cat and all." I fibbed. Snowbird flicked her tail."Why don't you come on out? It's a wonderful, sunny day!" There was something in the back of her mind making her excited. I shrugged it off and heaved myself out of my nest. I slipped out, and realized it was Sunhigh. I was about to share tongues with Snowbird, but she went immediately to Whirlwind. I rolled my eyes and sat down. I thought I saw Lionfritz stare at me, but it must have been an illusion because it was Meltingblade that approached. We just started talking, then Whirlwind spoke.

"May I have your attention everyone!" He shouted. Snowbird was fidgeting like a mouse, and I could now easily guess what was going to happen."I know this is a little unusual, but I wanted everyone to see." Whirlwind turned to Snowbird and sat down."Snowbird, will you be my mate?" Everyone in the clan gasped. To my surprise, not, Snowbird nodded."Of course!" She tackled him to the ground."Aw!" The whole clan sighed in unison. I rolled my eyes again and stormed out of camp. I found my new favorite spot that day. It was a nice, grassy cliff covered in daises. It overlooked the rest of the forest, and you could see a waterfall.

I sat there and breathed in the wonderful smells of the earth. But of course, it wasn't long till I heard something behind me. I turned around and was a little confused when I saw Lionfritz come out of the brush."Something wrong?" I had to admit, I would have told him everything, except it was the second sentence I had ever heard him say to me."No, nothings wrong." I said bluntly and turned back to the view. He came up and sat down beside me. He was clearly waiting for the truth."Is it something about Whirlwind and Snowbird?" He asked a little more gently. I sighed."It's just, everyone's life is so perfect. You have no idea what I've been through. Nobody I have loved has lasted long." Lionfritz looked over the edge of the cliff.

"Well, I watched my whole family be slaughtered by rouges against my will." He said. I could tell he was trying hard to choke back tears. I looked at him and saw my own, scared reflection."I'm sorry." I said quietly. I couldn't think of anything else to say. I heard another rustle and saw Lionfritz jump up. I turned calmly to see Meltingblade."Hi." I smiled a little, then realized the atmosphere had changed. Both Lionfritz and Meltingblade seemed very prickly."Just wanted to see if you were okay." Meltingblade said, his voice dripping with forced sweetness. He seemed to be glaring at Lionfritz. I looked to him, and saw he was about the same.

"What's with the tension?" I broke into their little glaring contest. Both toms shook their heads with embarrassment."Uh nothing." They each said. I decided if I stayed any longer, I would see them break out in fighting."Yeah, I'm gonna go now. Bye bye." I rushed through the ferns and back to camp.


I heard Orchidblossom tutting."You bad cats. You should never fight with your clan-mate." I peeked into the den and saw the irritated faces of Lionfritz and Meltingblade."Yes Orchidblossom." Snowbird came up from behind."What happened?" She said lightly."Lionfritz and Whirlwind got in a fight. I don't know why though....." I trailed off. Snowbird gasped and looked inside. "Did you hear any of it?" She asked eagerly. Of course Snowbird was hungry for gossip. I laughed."Well, me and Lionfritz were talking a little bit, then Meltingblade came. I could feel tension between them so I left." Snowbird was very silent."Are you okay?" I cocked my head.

"Oh! Nothing!" Snowbird shook her head and smiled. I shrugged."Whatever you say." That night was the worst night ever. I repeat, ever. I saw Lionfritz in a starry meadow, then Meltingblade came out of nowhere and began tearing at his throat. I shuddered, then heard someone come up from behind me."Dreamingstrike." I whipped around to see a lovely gray she-cat."Who are you?" I asked, my voice quavering."I am Featherstar, the previous leader of Stealthclan. We need to say many things to you." My mind was racing.

Me? Being visited by Starclan? Featherstar continued without regarding me."We must repeat the prophecy we said to Desertstar." My eyes widened as her voice twisted into many."The savior of your clan shall rise from ashes. She must face the lurking evil when the stars bleed." Truly hoping it didn't mean me, Featherstar whirled away from my sight. I was falling and falling until I slammed into the ground.